January 31, 2011

Love the double knot.

 Create texture by using sea salt spray or mousse to give hair more rigidity.

 It's as simple a tying your shoe laces.

 Horizontal pinning will secure the knot.

If you going to have long hair and do nothing with it but pull it back off your face in a unflattering ponytail them you might as well come in and say hello to my scissors. I am not against long hair but you must be creative with it after all isn't that why you have long hair??? I have been getting requests to do little tutorials with my clients on how they can put their hair up to try and stay cool and still look fashionable this summer so stay tuned for more quick simple looks to keep you looking fresh.


  1. LOVE this advice. Style it or get rid of it, it seems! x

  2. All lazy long hair people be warned...scissors are at the ready!
