October 31, 2010

Dynasty Collection

The Dynasty Collection is my most recent work that I submitted into The 25th Annual Hair Expo Awards for 2010.  The concept for this collection was born from my love of the ostentatious costume design and melodramatic script of the 80’s American TV soapie Dynasty.  Dynasty was brought to life by the sharp eye of photographer Paul Christey, Stylist Leticia Dare and Make Up Artist Elle Armstrong.

October 29, 2010

Sock it to 'Em

With spring well under way and summer around the corner things are about to heat up when it comes to colour.  The modern man is increasingly aware of the need to define his look with a point of interest yet still promote masculine appeal.  It’s about introducing shots of colour with out having it jump out and slap you across the face and the answer lies under the hem.  If you’re a suit and tie man wear your trouser a little higher and add a sneaky peak of colour or for the brave man show a little leg with shorts for a cooler look in summer…Sock It To ‘Em men!

October 28, 2010

The birth of The Monobrow

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I introduce to all "the monobrow".  A destination where all can come and all are welcome to lose themselves in the do's and donts of a good do.  The monobrow is not only my visual diary of looks, trends, ideas and predictions for the hair and fashion industry but a catalogue of all things that float my boat in the creative industries.

After almost 15 years of growing my brand in the hairdressing industry I have always wanted to have a destination that my clients could visit to get a better idea of what influences me resulting in what they can expect when they choose me to look after their hair needs.  This is the emotion behind the monobrow.

I invite you all to become actively involved in the success of the monobrow so comment your little hearts away, spread the love and enjoy a little sensory overload...